An Haunted Forest

See the The Plot Engine Manifesto for explanations and background.


WOOD was planted centuries ago by NOTABLE_PERSON to protect GOOD_REGION from EVIL_REGION.

The WOOD has grown up and is such impenetrable that this region acts as natural border.

Rumours say that the WOOD is haunted and only those that obtain the favour of the FAERIE_QUEEN may trespass.

In reality, the WOOD acts as an immense and sentient creature. The WOOD can be haunted by ents, feys, faeries, satyrs, or other magic plants, under the command of the

Prior Knowledge

Gossip: The WOOD is haunted by ghosts

Gossip: The spirit of UNDEAD_CREATURES lurk the wood

Gossip: nobody can trespass, alive, the WOOD

Common Knowledge: at the center of the WOOD lies a

Cool Situations

PARTY must recover an ITEM from within the WOOD

PARTY must recover an ITEM from within the wood. The ITEM has fallen from an EVIL_PERSON or from a GOOD_PERSON which was flying over the WOOD. Now the ITEM lies somewhere.

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